Introducing the ESAPlanner Standards Search

July 6, 2023

“I can” Learning Goals with Student Friendly Arizona Academic Standards

I am so super excited to share this update! This is something the team at ESA Planner has been working on from the start – STUDENT FRIENDLY ARIZONA ACADEMIC STANDARDS!

We believe that all students, parents and educators should be able to easily understand what it is they are teaching and/or learning, and one of the first steps to be able to meet that goal is to have the Arizona Academic Standard written in a way they everyone can easily understand.

What are Arizona Academic Standards?

The Arizona Academic Standards are like a roadmap for schools in the state. They outline what your child should learn at each grade level and in different subjects. They make sure that your child gets a strong education that meets national expectations. Teachers, parents, and policymakers use these standards to help your child succeed in school. By setting clear goals, the Arizona Academic Standards prepare your child for their future education and career.

What are Student Friendly Arizona Academic Standards?

At the ESAPlanner, we want to make sure that everyone is able to understand what they are expected to learn. To that end, we have translated more than 3000 of the Arizona Academic Standards into Student Friendly Language. This should help educators and learners to have a clear goal to work towards in any category. Here is an example:

The Arizona Academic Standard:
Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their antonyms.

The Student Friendly Version:
I can give opposites for some words.

Standards Search Tutorial

ESAPlanner Student Friendly Arizona Academic Standards Benefits

  • Translated Standards into “I Can” Statements: With ESAPlanner's Student-Friendly Language feature, you no longer need to struggle to understand what the standards mean. Each standard is now presented in a simple and concise format, beginning with the phrase “I can.” This approach allows both you and your child to easily grasp the essence of each standard, promoting confidence and clarity in your teaching approach.
  • All Arizona Academic Standards in One Place: Gone are the days of scouring the Arizona Department of Education website to locate the standards. ESAPlanner offers a comprehensive collection of Arizona Academic Standards, including the newly added Student-Friendly Language feature. By having all the standards conveniently accessible in one place, you save valuable time and effort. With just a few clicks, you can confidently plan your curriculum by choosing your learning goals from the Arizona Academic Standards.
  • Use the Arizona Academic Standards as Learning Goals: Homeschooling, teaching, and tutoring becomes more effective when you can align it with specific grade-level standards. ESAPlanner's Student-Friendly Language feature empowers you to tailor your instruction to meet the standards, (or, if you unschool, choose standards that describe your instruction or activities) ensuring that your child receives a well-rounded education. By focusing on the areas identified in the standards, you provide targeted and impactful learning experiences that set your child up for academic success.
  • Sharing and Searching Gets Easier: Being familiar with the Arizona Academic Standards allows you to better search for educational resources, including lesson plans and educational equipment and material. One tool on our product roadmap is a Planning tool that will allow members to choose learning objectives, lesson plans, and educational resources based on the Arizona Academic Standard they want to teach. Other sites, like Teachers Pay Teachers or IXL also have lessons that you can search by Academic Standard.

Embrace the Power of ESAPlanner:

ESAPlanner is your trusted companion in homeschooling, teaching, and tutoring, and the addition of the Student-Friendly Language feature further amplifies its value. Whether you are a seasoned educator or just beginning your journey, this feature will transform the way you approach teaching and planning.

To access the Student-Friendly Language feature, simply log in to your ESAPlanner account and navigate to the Standards Search Tool. There, alongside the official standards, you will find the student-friendly versions, making it easy to incorporate them into your ESA curriculum planning.

We hope you find these as useful as we do! As always, if you have any kudos, feedback, or suggestions, please take a moment to complete this quick feedback form. You won't even need leave the page. 😉

Together, let's empower engaging education!

i 3 Post Table of Contents

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